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Mostly Only Up

Created time
Jul 4, 2024 06:57 AM
There's a nice genre of games where the goal is to complete a very long and oddly designed course such as those seen in Mostly Only Up. You're playing an unknown person who has found themself in a vast desert for some unknown reason. Still, there is something that you and they are drawn to: An assortment of objects arranged in a way that leads up into the sky. Who knows where it goes, you won't get any answers just by standing there. You may have a little else going on in the desert so you may as well head up, mostly.

About Mostly Only Up

The obstacle platforming type games are made solely for the internet and for dedicated players to see how fast they can beat it. This game is a general take on the idea with a long and oddly constructed course leading to an unknown goal. It's a platforming game that places progression and caution alongside speed to challenge how quickly you can jump and climb. You need to discover the rhythm for yourself and see what works. The more you play, the more you get a feel for the course and then you can start making your way surely toward the top.

How to Play

Mostly Only Up is a 3D platforming game about climbing an assortment of structures up toward the sky using the keyboard.


  • Arrow Keys - Control Camera
  • W/Up Arrow - Move Forward
  • S/Down Arrow - Move Backward
  • A/Left Arrow - Turn Left
  • D/Right Arrow - Turn Righ
  • Spacebar - Jump (tap again for Double Jump)
The goal is to reach the very top of the structure as quickly as you can. There are no enemies or hazardous objects to worry about. Your character doesn't have lives or a health bar. No matter how far they fall, the only punishment is lost progress.
When you start the game, you'll spawn on the desert floor and be facing toward the start of the course. As you approach it, you'll notice that the course is a combination of an assortment of various objects seemingly suspended in the air. The objects can be wide or narrow, steep or flat, and close or far. Your challenge is to follow along the course, jump between the different objects, and always make your way up. Despite how narrow some parts can get, the character has a solid amount of friction for gripping.

Tips and Tricks

Even though this course is made to be completed quickly, technique is always preferred to speed. Practice in the early areas where there's little risk and see how your character moves. Once you do that, you can start moving faster and trying to get better and better times, just try to remember the layout of the course as best as you can.

Game Details

  • Developer: Spatial
  • Platforms: Web Browser (PC and mobile)
  • Languages: English

Gameplay Footage

Video preview


Is Mostly Only Up an online game?

The game is hosted by Spatial IO and there is video footage showing multiple people playing it together so it likely has some online components.

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