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Skibidi in the Backrooms

Created time
Jul 5, 2024 12:16 PM
The internet is full of wild and scary things such as the idea of someone trapped in a toilet and hunting folks like in Skibidi in the Backrooms. Yes, the Skibidi internet phenomenon is going to be one of those things you end up looking up because you want to understand where it came from and that's understandable. After all, you are now finding yourself in the backrooms of someplace and the horrible toilet creature is deciding to chase you down. Why it wants to stop you remains unclear, but your time would be better spent on trying to get what you need and then escaping so that you don't have to deal with it anymore.

About Skibidi in the Backrooms

The backrooms are a gaming concept that has been popping up quite recently involving enclosed rooms where you don't want to linger. This game has nailed the environment by making a maze of empty rooms with gross wallpaper, few collectibles, and nothing else that would make you want to stay there for more than a few seconds. However, this also means that the toilet monster has an easier time finding you wandering around them. This means you'll be on the edge as you keep moving just trying to stay alive while still getting what you need.

How to Play

Skibidi in the Backrooms is a 3D first-person exploration horror game about trying to escape some backroom using the keyboard.


  • W/Up Arrow - Move Forward
  • S/Down Arrow - Move Backward
  • A/Left Arrow - Turn Left
  • D/Right Arrow - Turn Right
  • Q - Move Left
  • E - Move Right
  • M - Toggle Map
The goal is to collect enough videotapes in the backrooms and then find the exit to escape the area. You don't have any other actions other than moving around. There are no stats to worry about and all relevant information can be found at the top of the screen. If you're caught once, it's game over.
When you start the game, you spawn into an open space in the backrooms. The area is a maze of corridors and spaces that you can navigate using the map. While exploring, you'll find videotapes floating in space which you can collect by running into them. The prompt asks you to collect a minimum of 10 tapes before you can try to escape. All the while this is happening, the Skibidi toilet will be chasing and trying to catch you. You'll need to move and hide to stay ahead and stay safe.

Tips and Tricks

This is a chase game where you have no means to defend yourself so you should study the map. The Skibidi toilet can move just as fast as you so outrunning it isn't an option. Move fast to break its line of sight and then try to pick up where you left off.

Game Details

  • Developer: Piti Dev
  • Platforms: Web Browser (PC and mobile)
  • Languages: English


What is Skibidi in the Backrooms based on?

This whole experience is based on a meme started by a YouTube channel that depicted animated heads in toilets singing certain songs.

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