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Penalty Shooters

Created time
Jul 1, 2024 06:13 AM
The sensation of kicking a ball around is different for everyone but it's hard not to get a bit of a rush from it and this rush is felt in Penalty Shooters. Whether watching a football game live or from home, you can't deny that it can be a very long game. Most of it can pass without either side ever coming close to scoring and should the end come with a tie, it comes down to penalties. It's just the kicker versus the goalie in a one-on-one battle of skill and precision. You'll get chances to be both so get used to the mindset of each side.

About Penalty Shooters

Being selected to shoot a penalty shot may be just as stressful as being the one who has to block it. This is the only time in football where one player from either team is facing off in an environment where they can be interrupted. The tension that arises from knowing that it's just your own skill that will determine victory or defeat is overwhelming. It's all about who blinks first and it can all be decided in less than a second. You'll get an idea of what that’s like from playing through this game and trying to claim a win.

How to Play

Penalty Shooters is a sports dueling game that is played with the mouse. Depending on which position you're playing, the function of the mouse changes. When the game starts, you get a chance to choose your team and then your player. The goal then becomes to beat other teams in continuous rounds of penalty kicks to win points toward collecting the cup.
When you're playing as the kicker, a yellow-red target reticle will move back and forth across the bottom part of the goal. You can stop it by clicking and the kicker will kick toward where it stopped. You can change the height of the shot by holding down the left mouse button and then letting go to take the shot. Whether the shot makes it or misses, you'll swap to the goalie after.
As the goalie, you need to wait for the kicker to make the first move. When they decide to shoot, the yellow-red target will appear somewhere in the goal. All you have to do is click on it to get the goalie to dive toward it. If they're successful, the shot will be blocked. After that or a missed block, you'll swap back to the kicker again.
Whichever side gets the most points out of five shots will be declared the winner.

Tips and Tricks

The whole exercise is to try and trick the goalie or to react fast enough to the kicker. As the kicker, you should avoid repeating shots so that you don't establish a pattern. As the goalie, don't dive until the kicker makes contact with the ball.

Game Details

  • Developer: FlashFooty
  • Platforms: Web Browser (PC and mobile) and Android
  • Languages: English

Gameplay Footage

Video preview


When do penalty shots happen in football?

Although Penalty Shooters cover shots taken at the end of a game in the case of a tie, penalty shots can also be taken when one player commits a foul against an opposing player.

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